Friday, March 8, 2013

Vaccinations and Unveiling the Secret

Yesterday I got the first batch of vaccinations:

- 1/3 against Hepatitis A+B
- 1/3 against Rabies
- 1/2 against Japanese encephalitis

As you can see, it's not over yet. I need two more visits to the local public health office before I'm done. The first batch was 240€, the second one in April will be a bit more since I'm getting the Meningococcal vaccine as well as the three above mentioned. The third visit in June will "only" cost me about 140€. In addition to these, I'm taking an oral vaccination four weeks prior to departure that will immunize me against typhoid fever. Altogether the vaccinations will cost me almost the same as the flights to Delhi and back. That's something I didn't expect! I could have left two of the vaccinations out (rabies and Japanese encephalitis), because the likelihood of getting those two diseases is not very high. The small likelihood was enough for me though. Especially the Japanese encephalitis has some symptoms that I'm not very keen on suffering from.

Yesterday was not just about getting vaccinated. It was also the day I told my colleagues about my plans for the next school year. I think I managed to shock a few. It seems that everyone understands my decision and they were all very supportive and encouraging yesterday and today. Some might even have been a bit  envious as well, but none in a bad way. Now it's public and I have to say it feels good. Keeping the secret in the workplace was not as easy as I had imagined, but I didn't want to tell them before I was sure it would all work out.

I've also got some news about the first two months in India. But that will have to wait until the next post. It'll be here some time during this weekend.

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