Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Change of Plans

Well, it seems I was too early with my last post. Volunteering in Sangla is not going to happen after all. The road is still completely blocked and there will be no tourists this fall. It really is a shame, but there's not much I can do about it.

Luckily there's Workaway! I've already contacted three other projects and it's looking like I don't need to worry about not finding things to do. I'll give you a little more detailed look into the three after I can confirm the dates with the organizations. It looks like I'm all planned until the Oct. 25th. Missing the Sangla opportunity hurts, but I'm trying to see things positively now. Instead of seeing just one place, I now get to see three projects in the same time. That makes me a lot less sad. I'm starting to feel like I might have to wait for the further planning (from November to January) until I get to India. I've got a bunch of things to do before India still and the clock is ticking.

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