Sunday, November 3, 2013

A Working Man's Paradise

My first work day is over and it feels really good! Ok, it was just six hours and most of it that busy, but I still felt drained after I was done. But I'm going a bit too quickly for you now, sorry! I haven't told anything, except that I'm volunteering again. And this time it's not your regular volunteering job really. I'm working as a waiter in a cafe here in Varkala. For five to six hours of working, I get food and accommodation for free. Today was my first day ever of working as a waiter. I think I managed fairly well for my first day. I don't think I screwed up many orders and I didn't hear any complaints about missing money in the cash register. I learned many things today and I'm actually looking forward to tomorrow. 
I arrived yesterday evening and didn't see much of Varkala yet. The places I did saw, have a paradise-kind of flair. Palm trees, beaches under beautiful cliffs and a relaxed atmosphere. Forget about Goa, I say! Well ok, beer was cheaper there, but that doesn't change things much for me.
One thing that definitely makes a difference for me are the waves. In Goa the three hours I played in the water, didn't feel much like surfing, but here it seems I will have pretty much the perfect environment for my skills. I'll have a try on Monday morning.
The first photos from Varkala are here and there will be more soon.

1 comment:

  1. Terve Harri!! Vasta kaksi päivää sitten ymmärsin minkäläinen reissu olet tekemässä kun aloitin lukea sinun blogia. Onko vielä hauskaa vai kaipaatko jo länsimaalaista ylellisyyttä? Kun puhuit surfauksesta,tairkoititko purjelautailua vai surfausta?(siis purjeen kanssa vai ilman?) Ymmärtääkseeni olet sinkku ja aiot tulla takaisin Suomeen vasta ensi kesällä. On hauska lukea sinun touhua tuolla maailman toisella puolella. Huomasin että sinun parta on kasvanut jo aika pitkäksi, herra Crusoe. Terveisiä räntäsateisesta ja pimeästä, Jelle.
